Paper Towels Are Not Created Equally

Without giving it a whole lot of thought, you’d assume that paper towel is paper towel. They are made of a similar fibre, can be used a general purpose cloth, generally good for cleaning up a spill and so on.

Well they aren’t created equally at all, in fact not even close. Case in point, the difference between a good quality tissue for blowing your nose versus using a couple sheets of good quality toilet paper are worlds apart.

Toilet paper just isn’t designed to deal with the high velocity air coming out of your nose and it inevitably rips. Compare that against a legitimate tissue and it will stand up to that pretty much every time.

That got me thinking, what does a toilet paper do that a facial tissue can’t?

Clearing The Backlog

I’ve have a reasonable number of older posts, which are half written that I never got around to completing.

Instead of deleting them, I’m going to finish them off so they make sense and publish them.

I hope we can hit 88 miles per hour or it might get messy.

Macro Insect Photos

Male striped horse fly, macro compound eye shot by Thomas Shahan Avinash Kaushik, a web analytics advocate tweeted about some incredible macro insect photos.

After looking through them, while some of them are quite scary and odd looking – they are spectacularly beautiful at the same time.

The super close up shots of the eyes are incredible, the colours on some of the spiders and flies, coupled with the detail in their anatomy.

If you’re not squeamish, I recommend you explore Thomas Shahan macro insect photos on Flickr.

Latte Art

Way back in August 2005, I stumbled across an amazing site that had fantastic photos of espresso being made – it was without a doubt porn for coffee lovers. Today I’ve come across another site, art in my coffee which is dedicated to latte art.

For those that aren’t familiar with latte art, its the process or act of decorating a freshly made espresso with a hand crafted pattern. The pattern can either be made through the pouring action of adding the milk to the cup or a combination of the former and some additional tools such as a fork, knife or spike.

One of my favourites on there so far is a dragon, however the same artist has an amazing array of creations which you can view on his own site, Vulcan & The Unicorn.

Cardinal Sins Of Demerging Traffic

In the past, I’ve written about how to merge in traffic and today I have another similar road travesty – not demerging from through lanes of traffic into additional lanes in an appropriate manner.

There isn’t a road rule that I’m aware of that says, if you are exiting or turning and an additional lane is provided that you must do so as soon as possible. In the majority of cases, drivers will pull into the additional lane provided as soon as it becomes available according to the shape of the road or the line markings – but from time to time you come across people that don’t do that.

While travelling west bound on the Smith Street Motorway on the back end of peak hour traffic, a driver wanted to turn right into Parklands Drive. As they approached the two newly added turn right lanes, they indicated their intention with ample time but when it came to actually change lanes – they were particularly tardy.

That wouldn’t be a problem if they’d kept up the same speed as the through traffic but they had already begun to break, slowing in traffic accelerating to 100kph down to a little under 60kph. As you can imagine, everyone in the right most through lane braked quickly and the long stream of traffic compressed directly behind me until the driver finally left the right lane and joined the two turning right lanes.

The moral of this particular story is simple, if you’re demerging from through traffic into additionally added lanes – do so as early as possible. If the road and traffic conditions permit, consider demerging at whatever speed the through traffic is doing and braking within the turning right lanes. If that isn’t possible, slow down only as much as you have to while in the through lanes and complete the braking in the additional lanes.

Follow those simple driving tips and your fellow motorists will have a much smoother commute and think the world of you for being considerate.