Category Archives: Videos

Downhill Mountain Biker Versus Peregrine Falcon

Red Bull have built their brand in recent years on the back of sponsoring elite level and extreme sports, whether it is the Red Bull Air Race or the more recent events like Red Bull Stratos where Felix Baumgartner skydived from the 128100 feet and broke the sound barrier on the way back down or the Formula 1!

The video below shows a Red Bull sponsored downhill mountain biking champion racing a peregrine falcon, which happens to be the fastest bird of prey on the planet, down a mountain bike course while the peregrine is swooping and bomb diving him on the cyclists descent attempting to retrieve a bright yellow package from his back.

I love the amazing camera work, it really highlights just how fast and amazingly agile the peregrine falcon is in the wild. Now imagine how the prey must feel when a peregrine bomb dives them at over 320kph and the fastest ever recorded speed was 389kph!

Coffee Table

I have an idea for a coffee table that I’d never ever get bored with.

In the video above they are using different frequencies to vibrate the metal, which causes the sand to move into an amazing collection of different patterns as the frequency changes.

I’m imagining a glass topped coffee table with a layer of sand underneath and something to switch between the different frequencies. The sand art would be constantly changing forms, morphing from one shape into another. One small problem with it is that it’d require a power lead or battery to operate, but something that you could work around for having a spectacular kinetic art installation in your living room.

Solving Rubik’s Cube While Juggling

I came across an amazing video last week of Ravi Fernando jugging a Rubik’s Cube and what looked like two bean bags. I couldn’t believe what I was watching, as he was literally solving the Rubik’s Cube while juggling.

I’ve never spent a great deal of time with a Rubik’s Cube, so have never understood the patterns and techniques to solve them fast but to watch someone do that while the cube is moving, spinning in every axis was incredible.

The video above was uploaded to YouTube at the end of February and is now approaching five million views and it still growing steadily. Not wanting to let the moment escape, Ravi has now uploaded a new video from his point of view (camera on his hat for example) showing him juggling 3 Rubik’s Cubes and solving all three in approximately six minutes.

Mind completely blown, wow!