Category Archives: Software

Internet Explorer Popup Blockers

Like most people, I hate spam with a passion. I get spammed with everything from gambling to drugs, which I guess are the things that pay at the moment. The thing I find annoying about it more than anything, is it takes time to clear/purge it from my site and my email.

Anyway, recently the good folk behind Weblog Tools Collection got spammed and posted about it. So now the blogging universe is on a mission to overthrow the dark lords of spam in the search engine universe. Geesh it sounds like something from Star Trek or Star Wars! With all that said, I’m doing my part too.

If you are getting here through a search on Popup Blockers or for Pop-Up Blocker or Pop Up Blocker Internet Explorer, please do not buy from pop-upblocker dot org They are spammers and unethical. ADB Popup Blocker and ANB Pop Up Blocker are from the same company and you should not buy their product. Any SEO people want to help me get this post up on top on the SEs?

Rah, take that you dirty spammers!

IE7, Beta 1

Quite some time ago, Microsoft announced renewed interest in updating their flagship browser, Internet Explorer. It is a widely known fact that Internet Explorer has some serious deficiencies in terms of compliance with the web standards. The deficiencies I talk of, are a major pain in the arse for most web developers who choose to develop sites according to the web standards.

On Friday just passed, the IE7 team annouced some new features which will definitely be included in the next release of IE. In case you don’t feel like clicking the link, the couple that have been confirmed are:

  • support for per pixel alpha channel filtering in PNG images (this can be used for transparency)
  • addressing major inconsistency problems in the CSS engine, including fixes for the peekabo & guillotine bugs.

I really did have some serious reservations about what the new IE7 would come to the table with. To be honest, I thought it was going to be more of a security release with very minor improvements to the rendering engine. If this release ends up fixing some/most of the major issues that web developers face battling IE and the standards, it will be a glorious day.

Go Microsoft, I mean, go Team IE!
Did I just say that aloud?

Apple OS X Tiger & Safari 1.3

Apple have recently announced that the new version of OS X is about to be released, code named Tiger. Among some of the 200+ cool features being added into the system this time, the most significant one I have anything to do with (since I don’t own a Mac, however I recently purchased an iPod Mini), is Safari.

Safari 1.3 boasts a huge feature set, improved performance, thousands of bug fixes; the list is long.

This really is making the gap between every other browser and Internet Explorer more and more evident. Essentially, the top 5 browsers out side of IE now have full support for the standards; to me this is just a wonderful thing. In the near future, maybe we’ll be without CSS hacks for the other quality browsers and maybe, just maybe, it’ll push Microsoft to join the game.

ASP Error ‘ASP 0104: 80004005’

As a follow up to the new hardware added the other day, I had to fix a problem in an administration section of a site. The page in this case, allowed you to upload files (images and so forth) to the server and manage the files. This was all working as expected on the existing box (Windows 2000 Server/IIS5), however after moving to a new one (Windows 2003 Server/IIS6), we had some problems.

What follows is the short error message:

  1. Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

After inspecting and changing some code, the error was caused by invalid permissions on the file system where the files where being written to. At some point, the previous servers directory permissions had been changed to allow the IIS user writing permissions to that directory.

The solution was simple and fast, change the permissions and allow IIS write/create type permissions on that particular folder.