After we went zorbing at Pimpama (Gold Coast), I asked Dave if he could chase up the photos of our experience. It has taken a couple days for them to filter down the chain, however they have arrived and I think they came out really well!
- Myself in the Zorb (90k)
- The Zorbing Course (88k)
This image you can see the main course that I rolled down. It might not look it in the picture, however the hill you are rolling down is about 120m or 130m long and probably about 20 to 30 degrees in angle as well. You’ll probably notice, on the right hand side of the image, a curved path. This is apparently one of, if not the only slalom Zorbing path in the world. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to go down it as it was too windy. The bloke informed us that with the breeze blowing on our day, we’d either leave the path all together or end up in a damn right past the bottom of the hill. - Up close and personal with a Zorb (125k)
This shot shows one of the Zorbs up close and you can see the guy wires I referred to in my original post. - The starting platform (130k)
A zoomed in shot of the starting platform. The Zorbs are floating in a pool of water at the top to make life easier on the Zorb instructor and the Zorbanaut. It also gives a little bit better idea of how steep the hill is.