All posts by Alistair Lattimore

About Alistair Lattimore

My name is Alistair Lattimore, I'm in my very early 30's and live on the sunny Gold Coast in Australia. I married my high school sweet heart & we've been together for longer than I can remember. Claire and I started our family in September 2008 when Hugo was born and added a gorgeous little girl named Evie in May 2010. You can find me online in the typical hangouts, Google+, Twitter & facebook. .

Finely Tuned

On the way home this evening, I noticed a car parked on the side of the motorway and shortly there after, a guy walking. Aside from the weather not reflecting the post card that the Gold Coast is known for, it was getting dark so it wasn’t all that safe for him to be walking beside a four lane motorway. As I approached, he popped a thumb out asking for a lift – so I obliged.

The unfortunate bloke was a strapping middle aged New Zealander and wasn’t in the car for two minutes, when he asked me if I was from New Zealand as well. For those that aren’t aware, my family are from New Zealand (specifically, my parents and oldest brother were born in New Zealand, while myself and other two brothers are born in Australia). It took me by surprise a little as I haven’t lived in New Zealand and I’m not around any New Zealander’s with an accent with any regularity; despite which he picked up something in my voice that made him comment on it.

We weren’t in the car long enough for me to ask about it further but it did get me wondering if I carry an accent from my parents that the average untrained ear can’t hear. A few minutes later I dropped him off at the closest service station to his car and we parted ways but not before he asked me a timely and mandatory question – who was I barracking for tomorrow night in the Bledisloe Cup!

Antenatal Class #2

Last week I mentioned that Claire and I attended our first antenatal class and that it was really informative, the second session (which was meant to be scary and so on) was probably even better than the first.

The second session primarily focuses on labor and the birth, starting out with a warm cuddly video and progressively heating up until the last one was a pretty straight up graphic of the realities of child birth. What I’ll say right off the cuff, the female body is an incredible piece of work – it really does amaze me just how much punishment it can take and just keep on giving. What was quite funny was watching some of the other people there (men & women) squirming while the video was playing and various other odds & sods were discussed.

Other information that was really good to know was what sort of options and strategies are available for women to manage their pain while going through labor and the actual birth:

  • Massage, heat and water are apparently a woman’s best friend during labor to relieve pressure on the lower back.
  • I wasn’t aware that nitrous-oxide was absorbed into the system in less than 15 seconds and is passes out of the body just as quickly; so if you don’t like the high-ish sensation or it’s distracting, it can be out of your system in a matter of seconds.
  • The idea of using pethadine as a relaxant and sedative didn’t sit well with us, as that does cross into your child and there is strong evidence to link the doziness of the baby with initial attachment issues and so on.
  • Epidurals were covered a fair bit as they are quite common these days. I didn’t know that it can take up to four hours to wear off after child birth (varies person to person). During that time, your wife is going to be bed bound as she won’t be able to feel the lower part of her body.

Next week we’re meeting with one of the anesthetists to discuss all of that in much more detail and also more strategies to increase the likelihood of an active birth with no or limited intervention. Claire and I like the idea of an active birth, however we’re open to everything that the doctors are going to throw at us. Someone said this to me a while ago (not sure who) but it sits very well with me – you’re there to have a baby, not give birth. While having your planned birth might be ideal, I’d find it hard to believe any expecting parent could find it in them to whine that they are unhappy that their partner/wife and new child came out healthy and happy after whatever intervention may have been required.

My views on all of this could change in a heartbeat as my awareness of the pro/con of the whole thing unfolds further; stay tuned.


This week was meant to be my bye in squash, so this morning I didn’t bother packing my gear to take to work. Of course, the day I don’t do that – I receive a call late in the afternoon from another player who wasn’t able to make it (his wife sprung a surprise on him for his 50th birthday). I asked if he could call around to some other folk first, as I’d need to travel home to get my gear and then head down to the Robina squash courts; bit of a drive. Long story short, we’ve got a bunch of guys out injured at the moment so I said I’d fill in for him on late notice.

I get to squash on time, expecting that I’ll be 2nd or 3rd up to play and I don’t see my opponent anywhere. I ask around and no one has heard anything, which is very strange but figure he is just running late. After waiting there for about two hours, 9 o’clock rolled around and I was just about to go home when one of the B grade players asked if I’d like to have a hit regardless. Given that I’d made the trek home, then down to Robina – it made sense to at least have a hit while I was there.

First game I lost quite convincingly and I thought that it was going to set the tone for the next three; but that didn’t seem quite right. I grabbed a quick drink between the games, regrouped and preceded to take the second and third games in a similar style to what had happened to me in the first – Darren didn’t know what the hell was going on. The fourth game wasn’t quite as good, started hitting the ball a little loser – which he capitalised on. By the end of the four games, we were both working really hard and were sucking in a whole lot of air coming off the court; pleasing to know that he was working just as hard!

The next squash season is soon to start, so I’d be fantastic if there is an opening in a higher grade as the extra challenge presented by the stronger players is great. Playing against stronger players makes personal development a lot faster, it is quite hard to continue to progress if you don’t have opponents that have superior skills to you; I find you tend to plateau at or slightly above the strongest player after a while.

If you’re interested in joining the club for some fun and fitness:

Robina Squash Club
University Drive
Robina QLD, 4226
0427 627 229

Antenatal Class #1

This week Claire and I attended our first antenatal classes at Pindara Private Hospital on the Gold Coast. We technically had the choice of doing the antenatal classes over a single weekend or five two hour sessions spilt over five weeks. Even though we booked in for the antenatal classes months ago, we had no option of doing the weekend course as the were already booked out. It turns out that September is the busiest baby delivery month in the year, so all related services are pressed for resources.

While I knew the basic information we were going to cover at the antenatal classes, I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. The instructor for our courses is a nurse working at Pindara and she did a great job in keeping things flowing well. To break the ice a little, everyone had to introduce themselves, what they do for a living, when they are due and the sex of their child if they knew it.

Some observations from the first session:

  • Claire and I were the youngest in our class, the average age would have been closer to 35
  • Everyone in our class were first timers, though I guess that is to be expected
  • Normally the majority of couples had found out the sex of their baby. Our group were completely the opposite with only two couples finding out the sex.
  • Normally there are a bunch of women have c-sections, there was only one in our group and I don’t think it was by choice.
  • A room full of pregnant women really is a beautiful sight.
  • Intesting that some women respond to the hormones by it actually levelling out their moodiness, where as others is had made the more moody.
  • The overwhelming good thing about the pregnacy among everyone was being able to feel a baby moving inside.

The next class should be pretty interesting as well, as we get right into the nitty gritty of child birth – so to speak!

Pamela Anderson, PETA & Publicity

Pamela Anderson is in Australia this week for a brief stint in the Big Brother house. I learned quite a few things about Pamela Anderson that I didn’t in her time in the house, for instance she is a strict vegetarian and an advocate for PETA.

As I’m trekking to work each morning, I listen to 102.9 Hot Tomato with Luke and at the moment a shifting set of co-hosts while they re-establish their morning crew. The current female that is on the morning show, made a statement that she doesn’t feel that Pamela Anderson is really a supporter for PETA because she accepted the job for Big Brother, however KFC are one of their major sponsors.

The discussion continued and Luke’s point of view was that it was a job, regardless of who was supporting/sponsoring the show. He felt that she has, in his terms, serious ying yang, because even though KFC sponsor the show, she was willing to put her case forward. The female said she shouldn’t have taken the job and that should have been her form of protest.

I don’t agree with that at all, I think she would have received orders of magnitude more press because she took the job, pressed her point and created a media feeding frenzy. Consider for a moment if she had turned the job down, if it even made the evening news, it would have been a one line quip that Pamela Anderson was asked to enter the Big Brother house but turned down the role due to conflicting interests in sponsorship. There wouldn’t have been more said about it and it certainly wouldn’t have been mentioned repeatedly.

What do you think, should she have taken the job and in which case do you think would have gathered more press ?