April 16th this year marked the arrival of Benjamin James Lattimore, the first child and son of Andrew and Belinda. Benjamin was born at 8.04AM and weighed in at a healthy 7 pound and 8 ounces. A little while after his birth, Andrew and Belinda asked if Claire and I would like to Benjamin’s God Parents; which we were very excited to accept.
Today Andrew and Belinda held a naming day for Benjamin at their house in Ipswich, which was performed by the same wedding celebrant that married them nine years earlier. The ceremony didn’t take too long and had some nice personal touches, which was really great. Everyone was pleased that so many family members and close friends were able to make the trip for the naming day and it was really good to meet some new faces.
It is pretty exciting that our collective families are starting to expand. In a couple years time we’ll have a tribe of little Lattimore kiddies kicking around the place. Claire and I are pretty chuffed that Andrew and Belinda offered the role of God Parent’s to us. I didn’t realise it initially but it comes with quite a bit of responsibility; as I understand it, we would be considered as a legal guardian if required to be in the future.
Enough with the words, enjoy some superbly cute photos of Benjamin:
Yay Al ! It’s about time.
Benjamin is a star.
Our celebrant’s name is Marie Steel and her web site is http://www.mariesteele.com.au