26th Birthday

It’s that time of the year again, today I turned 26!

After waking up in no particular rush, Claire prodded me to open some presents first thing. So, without getting out of bed I reached into a nearby draw to find some presents stashed away:

  • A new pair shorts to play sport in
  • A nice casual Calvin Klein shirt
  • A few DVD’s (Green Mile, X-men 3 & Hellboy)
  • Gulian chocolate

Since it was a weekend and it was a birthday, actually.. mostly because everyone loves a cooked breakfast; Claire and I went out for breakfast at Café Campanile in the Robina Town Centre. I had a ritualistic big breakfast (it really is superb, you should try it some time) and Claire had bacon, eggs and mushrooms – mmm.

After returning from breakfast more than satisfied, we proceeded to tidy the house a little before Andrew and Belinda arrived at around twelve o’clock. The four of us fluffed around a little, decided it was time lunch and headed into Toscani’s in Surfers Paradise. Immediately after lunch, Claire and Belinda picked up some odds and sods from the shops whilst Andrew and I washed lunch down with a Mocha Fusion from Zarraffas.

For dinner, the only sane choice was Hogs Breath. Lorraine, Sterle and Jean arrived from Brisbane as a bit of a surprise. We all ate our fill of fine prime rib steak and dessert and whilst there a few more presents popped up:

  • An electric toothbrush
  • A button up shirt
  • Lindt chocolate

After dinner, we decided a movie was in order. Andrew and I saw Eragon, whilst Claire and Belinda watched The Holiday. Without seeing The Holiday, I’m pretty confident our movie was better for, but not limited to the following reasons:

  • it wasn’t mushy
  • it had dragons in it
  • it involved various magical acts
  • it featured a red flaming sword

If that isn’t reason enough, well I’m not sure what is! Thank you to everyone who travelled, phoned, SMS’d or IM’d me today; my 26th birthday was great. See you all this time next year!